
Accordingtolegend,theoriginoftheHalloweenlanterncanbefoundinthetaleofayoungblacksmithcalledJackO'LanternwhomadeapactwiththeDevil ...,Thejack-o'-lanternhasalonghistorywithHalloween,althoughourfavoritedemonicfaceshaven'talwaysbeencarvedoutofpumpkins.,InthestoryofStingyJack(whichistoolongtotellhere),amannamedJacktrickedtheDevilseveraltimes.WhenJackfinallydied,Godwouldnotletsucha ...,,Jack-o'-lant...

The story of the jack o lantern

According to legend, the origin of the Halloween lantern can be found in the tale of a young blacksmith called Jack O'Lantern who made a pact with the Devil ...

Why Do We Carve Pumpkins at Halloween?

The jack-o'-lantern has a long history with Halloween, although our favorite demonic faces haven't always been carved out of pumpkins.


In the story of Stingy Jack (which is too long to tell here), a man named Jack tricked the Devil several times. When Jack finally died, God would not let such a ...


Jack-o'-lanterns carved from pumpkins are a yearly Halloween tradition that developed in the United States when Irish, Cornish, Scottish and other Celtic ...

The twisted transatlantic tale of American jack-o'

2020年10月27日 — When Jack died, he found himself barred from heaven—and from hell. But the devil took some pity on Jack, giving him an ember of coal to light ...

The Jack-O

The most popular version of the tale involves Jack first tricking the Devil into changing his form, then trapping him in his transfigured state. Jack then ...